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Matt Cutts: Will having same ingredients list for a product as another site cause a duplicate content issue?  Beliebteste Videos

Beschreibung: Zitat: "What can e-commerce sites do that sell products which have an ingredients list exact ...

Youtube-Autor: Google Webmasters (Standard-YouTube-Lizenz) Youtube-Eintrag: 23.09.2013 Code: LgbOibxkEQw Aufrufe: 2.821

Matt Cutts: Will having same ingredients list for a product as another site cause a duplicate content issue?
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Matt Cutts: What should a site owner do if they think they might be affected by Panda?  Beliebteste Videos

Beschreibung: Zitat: "Recently Google has integrated the Panda update in to its normal indexing process.
Youtube-Autor: Google Webmasters (Standard-YouTube-Lizenz) Youtube-Eintrag: 11.09.2013 Code: NxJEUYjTPw8 Aufrufe: 2.714

Matt Cutts: What should a site owner do if they think they might be affected by Panda?
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Matt Cutts: How can I tell Google that multiple domains are related?  Beliebteste Videos

Beschreibung: Zitat: "Is there any way Google identifies "sister" websites? For example, relationships bet ...

Youtube-Autor: Google Webmasters (Standard-YouTube-Lizenz) Youtube-Eintrag: 26.03.2014 Code: EcSsMbFSGyc Aufrufe: 2.473

Matt Cutts: How can I tell Google that multiple domains are related?
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Matt Cutts: What should sites do with pages for products that are no longer available?  Beliebteste Videos

Beschreibung: Zitat: "How would Google recommend handling eCommerce products that are no longer available? ...

Youtube-Autor: Google Webmasters (Standard-YouTube-Lizenz) Youtube-Eintrag: 17.03.2014 Code: 9tz7Eexwp_A Aufrufe: 2.387

Matt Cutts: What should sites do with pages for products that are no longer available?
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Matt Cutts: Why aren't breadcrumbs displaying in search results for my site?  Beliebteste Videos

Beschreibung: Zitat: "Any updates on "Site hierarchies display in search results" (AKA breadcrumbs)?

Youtube-Autor: Google Webmasters (Standard-YouTube-Lizenz) Youtube-Eintrag: 09.06.2010 Code: PmOjX5DlN2A Aufrufe: 2.501

Matt Cutts: Why aren't breadcrumbs displaying in search results for my site?
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Matt Cutts: What do you predict will be the big changes to search in the next few years?  Beliebteste Videos

Beschreibung: Zitat: "Sean Weigold Ferguson from Orlando, Florida asks: "What do predict will be the big c ...

Youtube-Autor: Google Webmasters (Standard-YouTube-Lizenz) Youtube-Eintrag: 02.12.2009 Code: IZF13_4obbQ Aufrufe: 2.473

Matt Cutts: What do you predict will be the big changes to search in the next few years?
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Matt Cutts: Which search feature would you add to Google?  Beliebteste Videos

Beschreibung: Zitat: "PaddyMoogan from the UK asks: "If you could improve one thing or add a feature to Go ...

Youtube-Autor: Google Webmasters (Standard-YouTube-Lizenz) Youtube-Eintrag: 24.11.2009 Code: 6-Yy2jLKMw0 Aufrufe: 2.483

Matt Cutts: Which search feature would you add to Google?
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Matt Cutts: Are CSS-based layouts better than tables for SEO?  Beliebteste Videos

Beschreibung: Zitat: "Thomas from Cincinnati asks: "Is a website designed with a CSS-based layout more SEO ...

Youtube-Autor: Google Webmasters (Standard-YouTube-Lizenz) Youtube-Eintrag: 12.06.2009 Code: fL_GZwoC2uQ Aufrufe: 2.432

Matt Cutts: Are CSS-based layouts better than tables for SEO?
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Matt Cutts: More than one H1 on a page: good or bad?  Beliebteste Videos

Beschreibung: Zitat: "Erin from south of Boston asked: More than one H1 on a page: good or bad?"

Youtube-Autor: Google Webmasters (Standard-YouTube-Lizenz) Youtube-Eintrag: 05.03.2009 Code: GIn5qJKU8VM Aufrufe: 2.410

Matt Cutts: More than one H1 on a page: good or bad?
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Matt Cutts: Does the ordering of heading tags matter?  Beliebteste Videos

Beschreibung: Zitat: "Nik from London asked: I'm using a template we ...

Youtube-Autor: Google Webmasters (Standard-YouTube-Lizenz) Youtube-Eintrag: 08.03.2009 Code: iR5itZlq8sk Aufrufe: 2.468

Matt Cutts: Does the ordering of heading tags matter?
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